In Apple's working on a game controller c physical buttons. Information on this excited the online media and gaming industry. Given that there is no direct evidence, and the evidence for developing the project within the corporation Jobs. However, this topic was bound to be in the wake of the discussion - after the release of the new iPad with its excellent Retina-display, powerful graphics processor and other indicators for full immersion in the game.
Such a flurry of articles and excitement among the people was caused by the material journalist Anand Lal Shimp, who in his review of the new iPad just expressed the idea of the need for very tangible game controllers that can work successfully with powerful and fast tablets.
Moreover, the tech-columnist assured his readers that reliably know about interior design of Apple to improve gameplay on devices iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Probably confidence journalist based on the fact that, Apple has patented the kind of joystick. Maybe he would be the prototype for the accessory that will interact with devices on iOS.