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Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines and programs to imitate human thinking and behavior. AI can be used in various fields, including music. AI can be used to create, analyze, recommend and play songs. However, this process has its pros and cons that are worth considering.


Advantages of AI song generators:

  • AI can help musicians and composers in the creative process by suggesting new ideas, sounds, harmonies and styles. AI can also adapt to the user's preferences and intentions, taking into account their emotions, mood and goals;
  • AI can make songs easier to access for a wider audience as it can generate music on demand, curate relevant playlists, recommend new tracks and artists, and personalize the music experience for each listener;
  • AI can contribute to the development of musical culture, as it can create songs in different genres, languages and traditions, combining elements of different musical systems and sources. AI can also recreate music that has been lost, damaged, or inaccessible.

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence for music generation:

  • AI can threaten the copyright and creative freedom of musicians and composers, as it can copy, modify, distribute and sell songs without their consent or remuneration. AI can also create plagiarism by violating originality and citation rules;
  • AI can reduce the quality and value of music as it can generate songs without depth, meaning, emotion and context. AI can also overwhelm the music market by creating an oversupply of music that doesn't meet listeners' needs and tastes;
  • AI has the potential to disrupt music education and culture as it can replace the roles of musicians, composers, critics, teachers and researchers. AI can also distort musical history, traditions and heritage by creating fake or unrepresentative songs.

AI song generator is a phenomenon that has both positive and negative sides. AI can help musicians, composers and listeners create, analyze, recommend and play music, but it can also threaten their rights, freedom, quality, value, education and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate and control the use of artificial intelligence for generating songs, as well as to develop critical and ethical thinking among all participants in the musical process.